On this page we have bought together some of the best resources that we can find for you.
Mainly concerned with assisting with dementia care.
This map will show you some of the locations that Atgofion Melys have taken either VR videos or VR Tours across Wales.
Some of these location pins have download links to some of our VR content.
This map is by no means extensive, with more videos being uploaded to our database weekly.
Primarily set up to help people living with dementia, Book of You is a new type of Book that uses the proven benefits of reminiscence therapy.
A source of material to create activities, walks, stories and artworks to help stimulate reminiscence and memory for those living with dementia.
Playlist for Life is a UK music and dementia charity. They use the music of a person’s life to keep them connected to themselves and their loved ones throughout their dementia journey.
The BBC Reminiscence Archive (or RemArc) was developed by the BBC, Dundee University and University of St Andrews, and built by Atos as a tool to support people with dementia and carers.
Alzheimer’s Society is the only UK charity that campaigns for change, funds research to find a cure and supports people living with dementia today.
If you wish to be added here, or if you know of other resources, please contact us . atgofmelys@gmail.com