Welcome to Atgofion Melys. This website has been set up as a resource for health and well-being practitioners any anyone concerned with caring or looking after the elderly in Wales.
Most of the content that is being created takes the form of 360 VR video clips and tours. Some of the VR videos are available on our You Tube Channel but to get the best experiece for your end user they need to be loaded onto a headset. This is to see them at the best resoloution ( not throttled or buffered by wi-fi bandwidth) and to hear the ambisonic soundtracks as they were intended.
As above, the VR Tours are available to be viewed on-line on any device, they can also usually be downloaded for off-line viewing on Mac and Windows platforms from the splash screens, but really should be viewed on a preloaded VR headset.
All the resources are free or with Creative Commons attribution. There are also links to organisations that may be of assistance, and also to organisations that could provide free training and support for workers in the sector.